MASTER THESIS: "Translation and Poetry: A Translator's Journey through Creative Writing and Spanish Translation of Poems by Alicia Ostriker"


Jury's Report (María Negroni, Luis Chitarroni, and Iosi Havillo; October 2016):




Dictamen Jurado UNA



Rosana Wolochwianski obtained the First Prize in the Short Narrative Contest "Julio Cortazar", organized by the Argentine Notarial University (Universidad Notarial Argentina, UNA) in December 2015, with her short story titled “El embaucador” ("The Con Man").

Concurso UNA       Dictamen Jurado UNA

(Click to open)


2023 Fellow. LABA, A Laboratory for Jewish Culture. Buenos Aires Hub. Annual Work Theme: “Taboo”. Writing project: Legacy.

Wolochwianski, Rosana. Legado. In: LABA-BA: 2023: Tabú. ISBN 978-987-48774-2-0. Pages 50-52.


Reading of the short story  "Canto de sirena" (by Rosana Wolochwianski) at a Workshops Meeting by Javier Nuñez and Pablo Colacrai, Rosario, 1 September 2023.

Encuentro 1 Encuentro 2


Presentation of poems by Tamara Kamenszain translated by Rosana Wolochwianski into English – Vermont, USA, 1-7 June 2018

Foto Middlebury 1 Foto Middlebury 2 Foto Middlebury 3


·      "Feminine Voices in Modern Jewish Literature", course by MA Yael Guzik, organized by the Hebraic University in Mexico, October 14th to November 25th 2021.

·      "Bread Loaf Translators' Conference", literary translation workshop organized by Middlebury College, Ripton, Vermont, June 1st to 7th, 2018.

·      Master in Creative Writing. National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated in October 2016.

·      "Terror in Contemporary Story Writing: Mariana Enriquez and Samantha Schweblin", by writer Elvira Navarro, organized by Fuentetaja workshop (, Madrid, September 2017 (5 classes).

·      "The Backroom: Reading, Writing and Literary Criticism Workshop from a Feminist Perspective", by writer Silvia Nanclares, organized by Fuentetaja workshop (, Madrid, September 2017 (5 classes).

·      Training in Narrative Writing. Online Course by Casa de Letras (, from August 2015 to March 2016.

·      "The Foreigner Tradition", course by writer Andrés Newman, organized by Casa de Letras (, Buenos Aires, 28th September and 5th October 2015.

·      Workshop: “Love Story Writing”, on-site, taught by professor and writer Luis Gruss, 8 classes (120 minutes), organized by "Taller de Las Palabras: Periodismo. Redacción Creativa. Humanidades" (, Buenos Aires, January 2014.

·      “Creativity Workshop”, on-site, by Shelly Berc and Alejandro Fogel (, 4 classes (180 minutes), META Center, New York, USA, 18 to 21 October 2013.

·      Creative Writing Workshop “Julio Cortázar”, by writers Alma Maritano and Pablo Colacrai, March to December 2012.

·      Creative Writing Workshop by writer Andi Nachon, organized by "Taller de Las Palabras: Periodismo. Redacción Creativa. Humanidades"  (, online, September 8th to October 27th 2011.

·      Creative Writing Workshop by writer Marcelo Scalona, (, on-site, Rosario, March to December 2011.



·      "Resistiendo al ser blanco: El multiculturalismo revolucionario como praxis contrahegemónica”, in Peter McLaren, Pedagogía, Identidad y Poder, Homo Sapiens Ediciones, Rosario, 1998, ISBN: 950-808-176-7, pp.143-188.

·      "La lucha continúa: Freire, Boal y el desafío de la historia. A mis hermanos de lucha", ibidem, pp.188-206.

·      "La evolución de la estrategia y estructura de una empresa estatal: El caso de Agip-Petroli S.P.A., 1960-1990", by Giulio Sapelli, in ANUARIO Segunda Época nº 15, Escuela de Historia, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, 1991-92, ISSN: 0327-215, pp.197-205.

·      "¡Y Villa se volvió marrón!", by Maria Cecilia Cangiano, in El Villazo. La experiencia de una ciudad y su movimiento obrero. Tomo I. Edición Revista Historia Regional. Villa Constitución, 1999, ISBN: 987-974773-0-5, pp. 131-142.

·      "Primero, mercados abiertos", by Mary Anastasia O'Grady, in Índice de libertad económica 2001. Edited by The Heritage Foundation/The Washington Post, November 2000, ISBN: 0891952543.

·      "Los trabajadores, los ciudadanos y la Nación Argentina: Ricardo Caballero y el radicalismo rosarino, 1912-1913", by Ph.D. Matthew B. Karush, in O. Videla & E. Zanella, Historia & Política. Cuestión social, radicalismo y revisionismo en Ricardo Caballero, Buenos Aires, Imago Mundi, 2004, ISBN 950-793-025-6.

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