In 2006, with a group of colleagues, Rosana Wolochwianski
founded and directed for several years a Center for Translation
Studies and Research (Centro de Estudios
e Investigación sobre
la Traducción, CEIT)
within the framework of the local Translators' Association (, with the aim of encouraging and disseminating
translation studies in the local translators community. Personally,
she focused on the study of Machine Translation and its impact in the
translators community. That led the way to presentations and
publications which are part of her continuous intellectual search, and
are detailed below.
- Participant
at the I International T3L Conference:
Tradumatica, Translation Technologies
and Localization, organized by Tradumatica
Research Group, Universitat Autonoma
de Barcelona, 21 - 22 June 2011, Barcelona, Spain (tradumatica-2011-uab-conference)
- Article:
"An Overview of the Impact of Machine Translation on the
Professional Translation Community", Language Tech News,
Newsletter of the Language Technology Division (LTD) of the American
Translators Association (ATA), Vol. 4, N° 2, October 2010, page 12 (2010-2_LTDnewsletter) (2010-2_LTDnewsletter_article).
- Panelist:
"Cloud, Crowd Machine, Translation", panel organized by the ATA
Language Technology Division (LTD) on October 30, 2009 within the
framework of the 50th ATA Annual Conference, New York (2010-1_LTDnewsletter) (2010-1_LTDnewsletter_article).
- Article:
"What is really at stake with machine translation? An overview of
its impact on the different stakeholders," in The ATA Chronicle,
A Publication of the American Translators Association, Vol. XXXVIII, N° 4, April
2009, pages 26-31 (2009-April)
- Presenter: "Traducción y alienación: las
herramientas de traducción automática como última expresión del
proceso de industrialización de la labor del traductor", paper
presented at the
Congreso Mundial de Traducción Especializada 2008, La Habana, Cuba,
8 -13 December 2008 (cmte2008-programme)
- Article:
"What is really at stake with machine translation? An overview of
its impact on the different stakeholders", in Language Tech News,
Newsletter of the Language Technology Division (LTD) of the American
Translators Association (ATA), Vol. 2, N° 3, November 2008, Pages
9-14 (2008-3_LTDnewsletter)
- Presenter:
"Automation and Alienation: The Effects of Machine Translation on
Current Working Practices," paper presented at the American
Translators Association (ATA) 49th Annual Conference, 5-8 November 2008, Orlando, Florida (ata-conf-2008)
- Article: "La traducción automática: sus
límites actuales desde un punto de vista pragmático comunicativo y
su repercusión en los traductores profesionales", in La
Traducción: hacia un encuentro de lenguas y culturas. Ed.
Comunicarte - CIT Centro de
Investigación en Traducción. Cordoba.
2008. Pages 327-334 (la-traduccion-cit-2008)
- Presenter:
"La traducción automática:
¿utopía o realidad?",
paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Translation
and Interpretation of the Brazilian Translators Association (ABRATES),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14 and 15 September 2007 (abrates2007-diploma)
- Presenter:
"Por qué la
traducción automática
no es (y nunca
será) una
panacea: un enfoque social y lingüístico
desde la perspectiva
del traductor profesional",
paper presented at the "5th Language & Technology Conference",
organized by IMTT Translation &
Training, Cordoba, Argentina, 18 to 20 August 2007 (in the
Proceedings, pages 15 to 17) (imtt2007-brochure)
- Participant:
"Hands-On Translation Automation Workshop", organized by the
Translation Automation User Society (TAUS),
Berlin, 19 June 2007 (taus2007-diploma).
- Presenter: "La traducción automática: sus
límites actuales desde un punto de vista pragmático comunicativo y
su repercusión en el trabajo de los traductores profesionales", paper presented
at the "Primeras Jornadas
Internacionales de Traductología", organized by the Centro de Investigación en Traducción (CIT), Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad
Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina, 21 to 23 September
2006 (https:/
It is also worth mentioning that her bias towards
research was also fruitful during the time she devoted to History
studies, with the following production:
- "Rêver l'ordre.
Argiropolis, une
utopie pour capitale
(Argentine, XIXe siècle)", Article
published in: Monnet Jerôme (direc);
Espace, Temps, et Pouvoir
dans le Nouveau Monde, Ed. Anthropos, Paris, 1996, pp. 165/183 (espace-anthropos-1996)
- "El significado político del
espacio en una utopía moderna sudamericana de mediados del siglo
XIX: la propuesta de Argirópolis de D.F.Sarmiento". Paper
presented in: Colloque
International "Lieux du pouvoir
et pouvoirs du lieu
dans les Amériques",
organized by
Groupe de Recherche
sur l'Amérique latine (GRAL,
CNRS - Université
de Toulouse- Le Mirail, France), September 27th
to 29th
1995, Maison de la Recherche,
Université de Toulouse Le Mirail-CNRS,
France (colloquium-toulouse-1995-records).
- "Dos proyectos socioeconómicos
para la Inglaterra del Interregno: las utopías republicanas de G. Harrington y G. Winstanley".
Paper presented
in: XIV Jornadas de Historia Económica, organized
by Asociación Argentina de Historia
Económica, Escuela de Historia, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, May
4th to 6th 1994 (xiv-jornadas-cordoba-1994).
- "Argirópolis:
utopía y modernidad". Article published
in: ANUARIO Segunda Epoca, Nº16, ed. Escuela de Historia, Facultad de
Humanidades y Artes, UNR, Rosario,
Argentina, 1994, pp. 307/318 (yearbook-16-1994).
- "Historia y literatura: La
tragedia shakespeariana como producción
transicional. El caso de `El Rey Lear'". Article
published in: ANUARIO Segunda Epoca, Nº15,
ed. Escuela de Historia, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNR,
Rosario, Argentina, 1993, pp. 209/223 (yearbook-15-1993).
- "Europa: antes y después de 1492".
Paper presented
in: Panel "Europa y América: antes y después de 1492", organized by
Biblioteca Popular Mitre, Rosario, Argentina, October
23th 1992 (panel-mitre-library-1992).
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